The Palestinian Nassar Family received the World Methodist Peace Award for their work with the Tent of Nations, which they host on their 100 acre farm located southwest of Bethlehem in a highly disputed area of Palestine controlled by the Israeli Government. For a background story on the Tent of Nations, see our story and video: “Palestinian Tent of Nations: We Refuse to be Enemies – Non-Violent Resistance.” [Ed.-CEC]
Christian Church’s Award Goes To Palestinian Farmer/Educator
The Nassar family
The Nassar Family was chosen for their work with the Tent of Nations which they host on their 100 acre farm located southwest of Bethlehem in a highly disputed area of Palestine controlled by the Israeli Government. The family remains on their land and share their story of peace with guests from around the world. The family is not permitted to develop their farm for agricultural purposes, not having access to power, water, or sewer infrastructure, nor obtain permits for any new buildings. The family has instead come up with creative and sustainable alternatives. Each summer, children from local villages (Christian and Muslim) participate in a summer camp aimed at giving the children freedom and distraction from the surrounding politics, empowering the children with self-confidence so that they can be a part of a better future for Palestine. The family also established the Bent Al-Reef Women’s Centre to empower women with classes in English, computer, art, etc., and encourage them to play a role in shaping society. Each year hundreds of volunteers travel to Palestine and live with the Nassar family and actively engage with working the land, participating and leading programs. On receiving the news of the award, Daoud Nassar stated, “It was a special moment for all of us to hear that the 2017 Peace Award is going to our family. We are honored to receive this Award. We will continue our struggle for justice with faith, love and hope knowing that we are not left alone. We will also continue to cultivate the land and plant more seeds for a better and peaceful future. Together, we can make a difference.”