WHTT Founder Delivers Seminar View From Inside the Gaza Strip; Bringing an End to Serial Wars, Starting With Iraq

Charles E. Carlson, co-founder of ?We Hold These Truths?, just completed a speaking tour in Colorado; other tours are planned.

Students at Colorado State University arranged three seminar style meetings the week of December 8th-12th at Colorado State University, University of Colorado Auraria campus, and at Regis University with a faculty brown bag lunch, as well as, a Friday night presentation at the Parker Road Mosque. This speaker (Charles Carlson) presented two and three hour seminars augmented by a personal photograph presentation and a video of an Apache helicopter raid in Gaza that killed four and wounded 30 Palestinians.

The presentations included the following topics

“Life in Gaza” from his March 2002 trip to Gaza and from the series “INSIDE THE GAZA STRIP

Israels and U.S. Militarism, the Resultant Decline in its Morality, and its Present Economic Collapse while Palestinians Starve.” Papers provided BUSH WAR TWO, LIKE FATHER LIKE SON (original 1990 title LET ME SPEAK BOLDLY TO FELLOW BELIEVERS

“Human Bombs their Cause and Their Victims” based upon the speakers “SMART BOMBS VS INTELLIGENT BOMBS, THE SUICIDE BOMB HOCUS.”

“The Propaganda Siege on the American People,” based on the authors Gaza serial, plus two articles about the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, “Israels Slaughter of Israelis, ABORTION AND A DOUBLE- MINDED PEOPLE” By Seᮼ/SPAN> D. Mac an Airchinnigh, and “Liar, Liar!, The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs” by C. E. Carlson

“The growth of Zionism world wide, and The influence of Zionism over American JUDEO-Christianity. How and why Christian Zionism is a facilitator of Serial Wars in the Mideast and elsewhere.” This section was supported by papers available at our bookstore: SHERRYS WAR (B-129) a special report The anatomy of grassroots Christian heresy, and THE SOURCE OF OUR WAR PROBLEM WHY JUDEO- CHRISTIANS DO NOT DEMAND PEACE(B-130), a special report on how a convicted serial forger was used to falsify and corrupt the Christian Bible leading to Christian Zionism apostasy.

We Hold These Truths educational program to correct the problem described “TAKE A STAND… IN FRONT OF A CHURCH THAT WILL NOT TAKE A STAND” 

Announcing a Future Seminar American View Inside the Gaza Strip By Mr. Charles E. Carlson January 18-21, Detroit area Dates and places to be announced, please advise of your interest.

Charles E. Carlson is the author of some 90 articles and research papers, the Editor of a weekly internet “Right Point” commentary and publisher of “Right to the Point” quarterly journal news review. Since April 2002 he has made some 35 lectures, speeches and media guest appearances to multicultural and multi-religious audiences.

Carlson is American born, served twice in the U.S. Army, and is former Phoenix Arizona businessman. He is one of five men who in 1996 co-founded We Hold These Truths as a think tank, of which he serves as its Director. WHTT is the Publisher of books, pamphlets, and journals, including the book, ?One Nation Under Israel.?

Its founder views world events from the standpoint of the unalienable right of the individual and the need for universal and impartial justice, and an end to serial warfare by the American government, leading to a more peace filled world.