President George W. Bush has twice repeated his feeble call to Israel to get out of the West Bank, and Israel has again refused, as expected. The second time, on Monday, April 8, President Bush is said to have shaken his finger when referring to Prime Minister Sharon and said, “When I say stop, I mean it.” Some have said Bush is giving out weak and uncertain signals to our Israeli allies; others say he is becoming increasingly forceful and did not realize how determined Sharon is to punish the Palestinians.

But both statements are false and could not be further from the truth. Sharon is doing exactly what Bush wants done. In this issue we will discuss who the parties to the so-called war really are-and why.

Bush has given Sharon the clear and unmistakable signal that he will not interfere with Sharon‘s timetable; i.e. he and Powell will occupy themselves elsewhere while Sharon‘s completes his “mission,” which includes continued random killing of Palestinians and destruction of property. Bush made this clear by delaying Powell’s visit to Israel, by announcing another series of raids on Afghanistan and by stating his intention to attack Baghdad.

As an analogy, if you lecture your sixteen-year-old son on the evils of booze while your feet are propped up on a case of Budweiser, what signal would you expect him to respond to? “Do as I do, not as I say” is what Bush told Sharon. Mr. Bush is doing in Afghanistan what Sharon is doing in the West Bank–hunting Arabs. Only the willing press wants to be fooled and will pass on to the public the notion that Bush tried, but Sharon just would not listen. After more deaths, Mr. Bush will be back with more advice for Israel, and eventually, when its purpose is accomplished, Israel will pull out, leaving the Palestinians to count their dead.

During this week of careful fumbling, the carnage in west bank towns is truly horrible. Before there can be hope of peace for us and for Arabs anywhere, the lesson we must learn is that Israel’s genocide against the Palestinian Arabs is only one part-a single battle–in the ongoing war that the U.S. Government has waged against Islamic independent governments everywhere. Israel is but the snarling pit bull in this arena. Neither Sharon nor Bush is in control of their battles, but in the Warmaker’s pecking order, President Bush ranks above Sharon, because it is America that pays the war bills. The blood of every Palestinian child is on President Bush’s hands, because it is he who is calling the signals. There are many other bloody hands, as we shall see.

The parties arrayed against Palestine are what I will call the Big Three. The Big Three consists of world Jewry, which once organized as the World Zionist movement; it includes every person who contributes money to the State of Israel. Second is the U.S. Government, which puts the club into the bully’s hands, as we have discussed. And third, the hidden force in the Big Three is a certain element within the Christian churches–present to some degree in every sect from Catholic to independent Bible churches–and which element we refer to as Judeo-Christianity, or radical dispensationalism. Ariel Sharon calls them the Christian-Zionists.

Without the active support of each of these three groups, there would be no massacres in Palestine. Some may still doubt there is genocide in refugee camps, and for you we provide several Palestinian sites at the end of this document that will give you the information the American media barely touches upon.

Some will ask, “why?” Why would each of these three factions want genocide in Palestine? We have asked that question, too, and the answers are clear. Although most of world Jewry would say it does not believe in killing, the stated goal of World Zionism is to clear the land of all its inhabitants, and all Jews who support or contribute to keeping Israel on the dole are supporting and contributing to this radical Zionist mission.

The United States Government cannot deny its involvement, because we see it on the newscasts. We see the F-16s or the destruction made by smart bombs used on Palestinian civilians who feel the blast before they ever hear the F-16 presence. We see the terrible killing machine, the Apache helicopter, which hovers over its victim like a cat over a mouse, before it kills.

Most of the killing equipment that allows Israel to be the bully and Palestinians the helpless victims is provided or paid for by American taxpayer money. No one denies this. The U.S.‘s motives are exposed in a Sept. 1994 paper by this author entitled