Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and his Palestinian counterpart, Mahmoud Abbas, are expected to meet this week in Annapolis for peace talks. This conference can only feed false hopes. It is a planned travesty and a bitter pill for all who pray for peace.

We should be questioning if the Administration’s “peace conference” may only  be a diversion from its war plans on Iran. We should also question if Israeli Zionist Olmert and Palestinian Mahmoud Abbas represent their people.  Finally we should ask if there are any options on the table to which the parties can agree.

Mahmoud Abbas does not represent Palestine. There is zero chance of peace because neither the Israeli people nor the Palestinians are represented at the conference. Palestinian acting President Abbas serves at the pleasure of Washington and not the Palistinian people.

Dwellers in the land of the Philistines are not represented by Mahmoud Abbas because they in effect voted him out of office in the 2005 election supervised by an international team led by former President Jimmy. Whether or not one likes former President Carter or Hamas, the observers certified the election was free, therefore the will of the people in the West Bank and Gaza.  They clearly rejected Abbas and his PLO backed party in favor of delegates from the Hamas.

Under the Palestine Authority system, the Parliament chooses the President. The only reason Mahmoud Abbas is at the Conference is that the US and Israel blockaded Gaza and have taken every possible measure to strangle the Philistines in order to force them to turn away from Hamas. Hamas’ leaders eventually agreed to allow Abbas to remain on as President as a desperate peace gesture.  The Philistines, as We Hold These Truths has come to respectfully call them, are denied land, freedom, food, employment, water, electricity, and their very right to life itself.  And they do not have their own chosen representation to speak for them at the Annapolis conference.

We are not the only voice to point this out. According to a Reuters News account, the Israeli army arrested two Hamas legislators, November 12, 2007, and has now arrested and imprisoned more than half of Hamas’ 74 elected legislators, so Hamas can no longer assemble a majority in Parliament.  This is Israel’s way of arranging to have Mr. Abbas as its controlled opposition. Hamas’ elected legislators cannot fire Abbas while they are locked up in Israeli prisons, and the USA does not protest this abuse.
Mr. Olmert Represents a Minority View in Israel
Like his predecessor, Arial Sharon, Mr. Olmert has been reliably accused of financial self-dealing and fraud against the public.  They both represent the Likud party, which has wiped the Philistines from Gaza to Lebanon off the map. The majority of the Israeli public seems to understand this but can do little about it because the Zionists factions are in control of Likud, and have the support of the USA, UK, and Christian-Zionists. Therefore, the Zionists hold the purse strings over Israel. Most Israelis know their best  interests are served by peace, ask them! They too are not represented at the conference.

Israel’s continued theft of land is an obstacle to peace, and it gets worse. Mr. Abbas goes through the motions of acting like a tough negotiator. He has demanded that Israelis halt all settlement activity in the West Bank as a condition of a future Palestinian state. But he never mentions the imprisonment of everyone inside the Gaza gulag. Mr. Abbas knows Israel has broken every promise to freeze annexation of land on the Arab’s side of the Green Line by establishing squatter camp “settlements.”

The Green Line is supposed to be the 1967 peace boundary, but the wall is entirely on Arab land. Israel has, by brute military force, built a wall 26.5 feet high on the Philistine side of the Green Line, fencing off thousands of acres of Arab land, even entire villages. Israel is then colonizing the land it fenced off from the legal owners even as the conference begins. 

The UK press agrees that Israel must stop its land pilferage. A November 16th story in the London Guardian seems to settle the question of Zionist Israel’s intent. Israel is using private real estate firms to peddle real estate on the Palestinian side of the Green Line to buyers in London on the eve of the peace conference!

According to the Guardian, “Kim Howells, the British minister for foreign and commonwealth affairs, has described settlement activity as an obstacle to peace”.  The Guardian story states:

At the Israel Property Exhibition at Brent Town Hall, North London last Sunday, one (Israeli) company Anglo-Saxon Real Estate, was offering for sale properties in Maale Adumim and Maccabim.  Both West Bank settlements lie on the Palestinian side of the so-called Green Line, the pre-1967 boundary often cited as the border between Israel and a future Palestinian state.”

The Guardian story: Homes in illegal Israeli settlements for sale at London expo, states: “Israeli companies are using UK property shows to sell housing in illegal Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank. The properties were also on offer at a fair at Finchley synagogue, in North London, last month.”

The poster advertising for the sale called on investors to “strengthen your portfolio and Israel’s future.” Gavin Gross, director of public affairs at the Zionist Federation, which organized the Brent fair, stated, “While the promotion or sale of houses beyond Israel’s Green Line is a contentious subject for some, it is not prohibited in Britain.”   Mr. Gross does not deny he is fencing stolen property, only that English law does not apply.

All Americans should be embarrassed at the crass and illegal antics of our Zionist chums. To have Zionist Israel as a best ally is like like having OJ Simpson as a best friend. Israel’s theft and resale of land is reminiscent of  OJ Simpson’s Las Vegas stick-up where he claims to have justly stole back the property he claims his former friends burglarized from him.

Given these circumstances, the conference must be called what it is–a public show to stall peace while hunger and deprivation take their toll on the Palestinians. It is also a contrived show of peace for the US Administration at the very hour it is planning a hideous new attack on a harmless people of Iran.

All honest and legitimate parties should withdraw from the conference. All should denounce it. While it drags on, Israel will continue to whittle away at the little that is left of the 1967 Green Line boundary of the country that never was, and establish gulags for every Palestinian who does not, or can not, find a way to leave. 

What Should Be Done After Annapolis Fizzles
Zionism must be overcome where it finds its biggest support, in Christian-Zionist churches. The Philistines should consider demanding a single democratic state where all people have equal rights and enjoy the God-given right to exist. The United Nations two state solution has failed. Israel has stolen 75% of the Philistines’ land promised to them in 1948.

Overcoming Zionism, is the title of an excellent new book written by Jewish author, Joel Kovel published by Pluto Press, London, which correctly asserts, “No state has an absolute right to exist.” Right on, not Israel, not the USA and not Palestine…only people have a right to exist.

The Arab people of the region might consider adopting the historically descriptive name “Philistines” to replace the pseudonym “Palestinians” which was given to them by their Roman, British, and now their Zionist occupiers.  The word “Palestine” has been irreparably corrupted by the likes of Mahmoud Abbas and Yasser Arafat. Zionist Israel and Zionists USA have no honest intention that there ever be an independent state of Palestine.  Israel shows its intent by publishing maps that name the West Bank and Gaza “Judea and Samaria.”

Israel-Philistia.  Both Jews and Arabs should be made full citizens of a restored homeland that might be called Israel-Philistia, or whatever name the parties pick.  The racist Zionist state of Israel has no moral right to exist, as Jewish writer Joel Kovel points out, but neither does the non-state of Palestine have such a right.  Instead, every man, woman and child does have a right to exist–a right that comes not from a map but from God.  Racist Zionist Israel and Palestine should both be wiped from the face of the map.

The only real obstacle to a one state solution with democratic rights for all, is that Zionist Israel is racist, allowing no equality for non-Jews.  The civilized world must not accept the planned killing of even one more Philistine or Israeli, nor should we accept any state based on the racist concept of a supreme people, “a master race” as one man once called the non-Jewish Arians of his native land.

Selling Maale Adumim and six in Maccabim

Israel expanding West Bank settlements

Backgrounder: Hamas, the Jewish Alliance for Justice and Peace

Joel Kovel: Overcoming Zionism, Creating a Single Democratic State in Israel-Palestine

The Israeli army arrested two Hamas legislators