I hope you have read the first edition of Tom Compton’s  “Pharisee Pharse” advice for President-elect Obama, “U-DA-MAN to COPE with the DOPE Plan,” and that it has given you a grin, if not a giggle.  If you missed it, you can read it here:  https://whtt.org/images/pdf-U-DA-MAN.pdf

As much a spoof as it is, U-DA-MAN can not hold a candle to reality.  On Thursday Dec 11, the Senate stood up and said “no” for a change to the auto give-away, after caving on every former hand-out scheme to come along, including 700 billion TARP Program, and the infamous ethanol subsidies last fall. Congress has the final word on money, or so the Constitution says, so that should end the matter.  Thank God for Ron Paul, and his new group, who has led the fight against the auto bail-out.  We have no doubt he had an influence on the US Senate.

But look what Bush’s spokeswoman Dana Perino said on Friday in an AP release:  “In normal times the administration would prefer to let the markets determine the fate of private firms, but these times are far from normal…because of the current state of the economy the administration would consider various options, including use of the TARP program, which has been aimed at bailing out the nation’s finance system.”

Note that no money has been appropriated, meaning that Congress does not have a dime to give to the banksters (rhymes with gangsters) or to auto big 3. TARP is the $700 billion Troubled Assets Recovery Program (sounds like “U-DA-MAN with the Dope Plan”) for the financial industry bailout plan enacted in October and the White House has long insisted that money should be reserved for stabilizing financial markets.  But remember, no one has this money to give.

Of course we all sympathize with the auto workers who have no cars to build for a number of reasons.  I am sorry I can not say the same for the giant banksters and stock brokesters who played such a big part in getting us into this mess.  But TARP is not the answer any more than Tom Compton’s spoof on TARP would really work.

It isn’t funny!  We must face the fact that everything we think we have and own is at mortal risk from the already exploding censor of the diluting of our money, caused not by auto-workers or farmers, but by the Federal Reserve System and a few knowledgeable co-conspirators on Wall Street and in Washington.

Is Inflation (I call it “dilution“) exploding like it did this year in Rhodesia and a hundred other printing press dictatorships of the past?  To a lesser degree, yes, and here is just one example.

According to my local newspaper it will cost me $15.00 this year to get in the door of the auditorium to participate in Handel’s Messiah sing-along, where you bring your own music and voice and entertain yourself by trying to find some of Fredrick Handel‘s lovely notes.  Last year it was free!  This means my voice has gone to a negative $15.00 value in just one year.  Only a year ago it was valued at zero, I sang for free!  That is dilution!  The Messiah has been presented free every Christmas since time memoriam wherever Christians got together to sing it.  Several churches are offering more semi-professional performances of the Messiah for from $20 to a high of $50 admission.  Last year all were for donations only.  This tells me no one has the money to contribute Christmas music to the community this year!  We are all approaching broke because our dollars have less value; I must now pay fifteen dollars to hear myself sing!

Tom Compton and I are here to tell you, you did not cause this problem, and if you cannot afford to listen to yourself sing this Christmas, someone needs to be blamed.  We must find a better explanation of what has happened to us…an explanation we can remember long enough to pass on to our children and grandchildren, else they will have no idea who to blame for our problems that we are leaving heaped on their shoulders.  This will take a little work, but fortunately lots of smart people have provided all the research.

Specifically, we find no one explaining in understandable language why USA Treasury bonds are selling at such a high price that the return on investment is now zero or less, as is my singing !   Soon we may be paid to buy T-Bills, but by whom, with what?  This is very simple, so why don’t we all have the answer…Because our political leaders don’t understand it and our financial leaders who cause the problem do not want us to know!  We are going to try our best to patch together the thoughts of many intelligent men who have explained it but who have not shown you how to tell others.

We must all understand how our government can spend trillions of dollars in one year that they do not have, borrow the money, and still generate low interest rates.  If we can put this in simple bumper sticker slogan terms, we can help cure the dilution problem before we, who were once part of the great American upper middle class, are reduced to peasants and workers without land or jobs.

I am asking spoof man Tom Compton, to expand upon his homemade Pharisee Pharse U-DA-MAN to include the Federal Reserve money printers and I will do my best to add a serious side to the story.  We will get it into your hands, as soon as we are satisfied with its simplicity.

Please accept my assurance, I am not becoming an economist, and Tom Compton is not looking for work as a stand-up comedian; there are already enough of both. We have not altered our conclusion, expressed in “Pharisee Watch: Roots of Christian Zionism”  that we need to follow the precepts that Jesus Christ taught, as should our church leaders.  This is still the answer for every individual of all faiths.

We will be answering our mail this week, but will be closed Christmas week, Dec 22-28, to be with family.

All the Volunteers at We Hold These Truths, including we writers, wish you a Blessed Christmas, in the true spirit of peace and love of brother that is obviously clear in Jesus’ words, and which reaches out to every race and faith without the least distinction.
Chuck Calson