To: Senior Pastor Timothy Su and other Pastors and Leaders of South Bay Agape Christian Church
From: We Hold These Truths
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
We are saddened to learn that your fellowship is hosting a Christians United For Israel (CUFI) “Standing With Israel” event on Sunday, August 30th.
CUFI presents itself as a “Christian” organization, but is nothing more than a lobbying arm for the State of Israel. It’s founder, John Hagee, is on record for praying for war. He also believes in a “dual-covenant” theology, whereby Jews do not have to believe in Jesus to be saved.
We Hold These Truths is an organization whose mission is to awaken the Evangelical Church to the dangers of Zionism and specifically the branch known as Christian Zionism.
We will be outside of your church on the public sidewalk conducting a peaceful vigil during the CUFI presentation. It is our hope and prayer that you will cancel this CUFI event.
On your “Who We Are” web page you state: “We are committed to accurate biblical teaching and encountering God personally”.
Christian Zionism does NOT look like Jesus and is incompatible with His teachings: “Blessed are the Peacemakers”, “Do good to those that persecute you”, “My kingdom is not of this world”, “Blessed are the merciful”….
If you research the roots of Christian Zionism (we have many articles and links on our web site to help you), you will find that Christian Zionism is built upon a faulty Biblical hermeneutic, or interpretation of scripture, that does NOT represent the historic teachings of the Christian Church. Christian Zionism supports the confiscation of land by brute force, dispossessing people groups, supporting wars, deceptions, frauds, and murder of innocents  – which does NOT represent Jesus!!!
We would welcome any dialog that you would like to have with us during this vigil, or before the vigil through email. We also are brothers and sisters in Christ and our desire is “to seek peace and pursue it”, 1Peter 3:11.
In Christ’s Love,
Craig Hanson for
We Hold These Truths