Audio; In 1967 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke out vehemently against the Vietnam war and said that the US government was “
the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today.” (And, we add, it still is, today!) On the other hand, the self-anointed leader of Christian Zionism, John Hagee, has publicly
prayed for war on Iraq and
called for war against Iran. In this podcast we talk about an upcoming vigil at a
Christians United For Israel (
CUFI) event being hosted at a predominantly black church with a black pastor. The church’s Facebook page had posted an event honoring Dr. King, who has been recognized and honored as a genuine peacemaker. Why would they turn their backs to the legacy of Dr. King for a “Night To Honor Israel?” That got us to thinking that the religious dogma of Christian Zionists must run deeper than Jesus’ call to his followers: “Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the sons of God.” Don’t miss this unique podcast and our follow-up podcast after the vigil.- Tom Compton
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