Four Anti-Defamation League (ADL) activists appeared on a Phoenix radio talk program Sunday night. One of the four boasted that “50 million Christian evangelicals” unequivocally stand with the State of Israel. He claimed the Christian Right, not the American Israeli Political Affairs Committee (AIPAC), is Israels greatest strength. We agree, and we wonder WWJD?

The ADL leaders stopped short of demanding the annihilation of Iraq. They are able to avoid mongering for war against Israels most vocal adversary only because the evangelical Christian Right leaders act as Israels proxies in openly demanding the bombing of Israels neighbors. The excuse offered is a specious claim that Christians are bound by scripture to “support higher authority” (Romans 13) which they transform to justify the proposed annihilation of the Arab people of not only Iraq but also of Palestine.

This huge and influential Christian voting block is truly the core of Americas serial war problem. Many Americans, including a growing number within the press, are now beginning to see that the bombing of Iraq would be politically impossible without the hulking image of these estimated 50 million self- professed Judeo-Christians. Jerry Falwell claimed on national television recently that the number is over 70 million. Sadly, many of these lambs are being misrepresented and manipulated by their self-appointed herdsmen. Without this huge pressure block, not only would the bombing of Iraq not happen, the occupation of Gaza would soon evaporate. Sadly, was it not for the Christian Right, Americas serial wars would probably diminish into the more peaceful world Jesus sought.

How can this paradox be solved? That the followers of the PRINCE OF PEACE are the makers of war? We ask every Christian to face this question personally and ask your leaders:


This is the defining issue of our day, and it is also the subject of C. E. Carlsons February 27 radio debate with Clarence Wagner, an avowed Israeli patriot, and a fundraiser for “Bridges for Peace” a charity based in Israel. Wagners affirmative answer to the defining question is characteristic of almost every evangelical leader who opts for war. It is a badge to look for. It is the false mantra that must be corrected.

Israel is the puss-filled fistula causing the illness that is reflected in Americas serial wars. Prominent Christian right leaders are the core of the boil. A tape of the radio debate will be sent to those who contribute to WHTT. It may also be purchased on our site. Please look for it.

 The following hate filed form e-letter to your editoris a bloody appeal for money from an employee of Celebity Christian Pat Robertson., Christian racism at its worst!

Jay Sekulow writes:

“Subject: Our nation faces war with Iraq!”

“Dear Charles Carlson,”

“Right now, Iraq is a great danger to you and your family!”

“The terrorist regime in Iraq hates all that you stand for as an American citizen and would love nothing more than to cripple your nation and wipe out your very way of life.”

“The alarming news is … Saddam Hussein, along with Al-Qaeda, may now have the weapons to try it. You and I MUST SUPPORT the actions our President and federal government takes to disarm this international tyrant. Please join the American Center today in the fight for our freedom with your gift of support”. and..

“I have mobilized our legal teams internationally. Members of the American Center for Law and Justice, the European Center for Law and Justice, and the Slavic Center for Law and Justice are meeting with legislators in this country and overseas – the U.K., Croatia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Norway, Italy, Belgium, France, Spain, Russia, and other countries as well – to build support for a coalition to protect freedom around the world.” and

“Many are wrongly questioning the Presidents right to send troops.”

“We must ensure that our President is free to take action to protect you and your family” (and signed)

“Jay Sekulow Live!” -(end of forwarded war-con)

For more detail on Christian racism read: PHARISEE WATCH: Promise Keepers, Men of Integrity (

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