The murder of two American Presidents is probably the result of almost identical acts of courage that each performed in the interest of future generations. Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy were not without their faults and flaws and the writer is in no way endorsing or comparing their administrations or their personal character. But to their everlasting credit, both men defied the international money powers by issuing U.S. Notes instead of borrowing from the international bankers. And both presidents died for it.
Americans will never know the details of the assassination of John F. Kennedy 36 years ago, but we can safely say much is wrong with the account we have been given by the Warren Report and the mass media. We now know Lincolns murder on April 14, 1865, was more than the work of “lone crazed-actor,” John Wilkes Booth. It has become a pattern of the international murders that the assassins are always made to appear to have acted alone and die before they can be questioned, of which Lee Harvey Oswald and John Wilkes Booth are perfect examples. But more convincing is the clear motive offered by Lincolns and Kennedys unique and decisive rejections of the international bankers finance scheme to control our money.
On November 22, the Kennedy slaying anniversary, Las Vegas Review Journal reminded us of the perfidiousness of the Kennedy killing in stating, “Hours after President Kennedy was assassinated, FBI agents listened to a tape of a phone call that a man identifying himself as Lee Oswald had placed to the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City. They made a startling discovery; the voice on the tape was not Oswald’s.” Oswald’s famous call was in effect a confession, and it is now established that the FBI knew the call was bogus.
Much is now known that casts doubt on the official Kennedy assassination story. The enormous breadth of the cover-up supports the idea of a powerful plot by men with hush-up power over politicians and media alike. While it may be difficult to piece together the enormous plot behind the killing, a powerful motive is clearly documented, and it points an accusing finger at giant international money powers as the most likely assassins of both presidents. That motive was money, billions upon billions of dollars in profit to the international bankers.
According to writer Anthony Wayne, ” On June 4, 1963, a virtually unknown Presidential decree, Executive Order 11110, was signed with the authority to basically strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest. With the stroke of a pen, President Kennedy declared that the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank would soon be out of business. Mr. Wayne, founder of The Christian Common Law Institute, goes on to state, “When President John Fitzgerald Kennedy – the author of Profiles in Courage – signed this Order, it returned to the federal government, specifically the Treasury Department, the Constitutional power to create and issue currency (money) without going through the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank. Mr. Waynes well-documented arguments are presented for all to see. (
President Abraham Lincoln was also under enormous pressure to turn to private banking to finance the Unions Civil War expense a century before Kennedy, and Lincoln made the same decision that Kennedy did. Lincoln spurned the international bankers who wanted to finance through a monopoly private bank franchise that they wanted Lincoln to grant. Lincoln courageously chose instead to issue “Greenbacks,” United States Notes, to pay the army. All subsequent presidents after him caved-in to the money powers in time of war…except for Kennedy!
Kennedy commenced issuing United States Notes just 101 years after the same courageous but fatal decision made by Lincoln. Lincolns assassination came two years after his act of courage; Kennedys murder occurred only months after the first United States currency was issued (all existing currency was Federal Reserve Notes, as it is to this day). Lyndon Johnson quickly reversed JFKs decisions and returned to the personal safety of and largess of trusting our money to private central banks by withdrawing the Kennedy money.
History books are full of curious consequences and most of them are just that. But are the Lincoln and Kennedy duels with the bankers just curiosities of history, as the money powers and the establishment press tell us; or is there a cause and effect between these two tragic murders and two brave Presidents and their separate but well documented wars with the money powers? (
Wake up little lambs, this is a 136 year old fleecing and it is your fleece. Every one of Mr. Lincolns Greenbacks would purchase as much as forty of your wilted Federal Reserve Notes would today; and every one of Mr. Kennedys Silver Certificates would buy as much as fifteen of your “FEDS” would purchase today. Who do you think has pocketed the profits, and what are you going to do about it? Examine our program to take back America.