The state of Israel is an albatross around the neck of the American people who largely but unknowingly support it.  And it is a bird with only one wing that never could fly by itself.  This story points out only one of Israel’s several economic shortfalls.  We have discussed others in our series on how Israel props itself up by selling bonds to the unsuspecting American people.  Buyer beware!  -Editor Charles Carlson
This story from Yahoo News: “Israel is on the road to an ecological, social and quality of life disaster because as the population density rises it becomes more violent, congested and unpleasant to live in and with absolutely no room for any species other than humans,” said Alon Tal, a professor at Ben-Gurion University’s Institutes for Desert Research and founder of the Green Movement party.  He continues: “Israel has 352 people per sq km, up from 215 in 1990, and forecast by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) to reach 501-880 in 2059…Excluding the nearly empty Negev desert, which occupies more than half of Israel, population density jumps to 980 people per sq km, just a little below Bangladesh.”–business.html