
Audio interview (40 minutes) with Pastor Rob Dalrymple,  pastor of Northminster Presbyterian Church in Bakersfield, CA has written a powerful and important book, “These Brothers of Mine:  A Biblical Theology of Land and Family and a Response to Christian Zionism” that we enthusiastically recommend, much of it based on Matthew 25, and Jesus lesson about His brothers. He talks about his journey out of Christian Zionism to theologically challenging it.  This is a fascinating and encouraging story that all evangelical Christians need to consider. After you listen to this podcast, you’ll want to buy a copy of his book for yourself, and, for your pastor.  People do wake up to Christian Zionism’s divisive theology, and, Dr. Dalrymple’s book will provide them with sound theology to help them to do so. An example of one lady’s journey out of Christian Zionism that was mentioned in the podcast is:  “The Killing of Innocent Palestinian Children by Israel Convicts a Christian Zionist.” Dr. Dalrymple’s two websites are:  determine truth.com and determinetruth.wordpress.com